Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Creating a Blog

Everyone has a blog. Everyone and their momma. Well, not my momma (though she has migrated to facebook, so only time will tell). But rarely do they keep it up.

I decided to start a blog (call me a sheep, I'll "baaa" with the best of them) But what to write about? I'm still weirded out by the idea that you're reading about me, and I have to deal with me for 18 hours of the day. I don't count sleeping because I'm rarely myself in my dreams - is that weird? As awesome as I am, I really do not feel the need to rehash my day for you strange folks. Or the emptiness of the blogosphere - see? I catch on real fast!

As I hemmed and hawwed over blog names, I realized how few people keep it up. Ug, ThatsBetter.blogspot.com was taken over 4 years ago - and only used once. Use it or lose it I say - or politely hand the keys to the castle over to me. I know how it feels - heck, I had a liveJournal for approximately six seconds, my Myspace journal entries lasted over a record 4 months. Most of my handwritten journal entries consisted of a paragraph of apologies to my journal and empty promises to spend more time putting ink to paper.

Write about what you know, right? What I know, is that when I'm at work and need to procrastinate, I hit up two things: celebrity blogs (wwtdd.com, jezebel.com) and Craigslist. Oh sweet baby jesus Craigslist I love you. You helped me find my couch, my cellphone, my N64, my dog, and hopefully my upcoming sweet ass apartment complex. You've helped me through long work days, looking under the "free" section and hoping for something a little more worthwhile than moving boxes. I thrive on the Re: posts because I know somebody's about to get bitched out. I have been that person that is not a "serious" buyer, e-mailing for information but never following up. You creep me out, you make me question the legitimacy of everything I've ever trusted with flagged posts, and you are always there for me.

So here we go, readers...I've got a few Craigslist stories that I'll tell here and there, but I want to share my workday findings - and share a few of those posts from forums I only visit after-hours.

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